At PGC we understand that your privacy is important to you. We are committed to meeting your expectations and will comply with all applicable privacy and data protection legislation in relation to your personal information and sensitive information.
We also know you love the small print, but here’s a summary of how we protect your privacy:

  1. We only collect what we need to help you with your request or provide you with information that you ask for, personalizing it to your interests.
  2. We won’t hang on to your information. If we don’t need it, and you don’t want us to keep it, we’ll delete it
  3. We want you to understand everything we do with your information, so we’ll try our best to explain with no nonsense.
  4. No surprises — you decide what and how you hear from us.
  5. That goes for everyone. We do not pass your information to third parties for marketing purposes without your knowledge.

      The rest of this policy provides you with more detail of our privacy and personal information handling practices.


International Education Information, Advice and Counseling

The services we offer to help you study overseas include counseling, application assistance, visa assistance, English language testing and training, student exhibitions and seminars.
If you register on our websites (, app or register to participate in an event we will collect personal information such as your name, email address, contact details, country of residence, nationality, preferred study destination, and when you intend to study.
If you enquire about study opportunities directly with an PGC counselor, use our Offer in Principle service, or we assist you with your application to study, we may also request additional information such as education qualifications, employment history, occupation, areas of interest and professional memberships, copies of documents as proof of identity – e.g. copies of passport, proof of citizenship or photographs, marital status and how you will fund your studies. We may also request sensitive information about you such as racial or ethnic origin (from information on your country of origin), and/or your health or medical information (e.g. from a medical examination required for your visa application for a visa).


Collecting your personal information allows us to:

  • assist you to pursue the opportunity to undertake studies in an education institution outside your home country;
  • provide you with relevant information on your study options;
  • present you as a candidate to your preferred institutions across all education sectors, which are seeking to recruit international students who want to study in the United Kingdom, the United States, the Republic of Ireland, Canada, New Zealand and many more.
  • match you to course vacancies at your preferred institution and communicate offers in principle;
  • assist you to further your career after completing your studies at an overseas education institution;
  • provide opportunities to participate in projects/programs as consultants;
  • provide opportunities to provide feedback and testimonials on your experience
  • inform and provide students, institutions and other clients of developments in the services we provide (including events and opportunities to participate in projects/programs);
  • conduct research for statistical, analytical and training purposes;
  • manage our internal business operations and events; and
  • respond to your questions.


How we collect personal information

We will only collect personal information by lawful and fair means. Personal information may be collected directly from you or your authorized representative, or may be collected from a third party such as a licensee or representative authorized by us to provide services to you. You may supply your personal information to us in person, when using our websites, apps and digital tools, or communicating with us via social networks and other online channels, e.g. through your Facebook or Twitter identity.

We do not collect personal and sensitive information unless the information is reasonably necessary for our business functions or activities. We will obtain your consent before collecting any sensitive information.

When you deal with us, you will need to identify yourself in order for us to provide our services to you, as such we do not accept the use of pseudonyms.

If you access our websites or app, we may collect additional personal information about you in the form of your IP address and/or domain name. For more details please see our Website Cookie Policy for further information.


The way in which we use and disclose personal information

We will use or disclose your personal information only for the purposes for which it was collected. We will use or disclose your information for another purpose only if you have consented, or if you would reasonably expect us to do so or as required by law.

We may use your personal information for the purposes of our own direct marketing, however we will ensure you have the ability to opt out of future such communications.

We use Facebook Custom and Lookalike Audiences to deliver advertisements to Facebook users based on email addresses, phone numbers and visits to our websites and app. We may use information we collect from you to display advertisements to our target audience of users.

The steps we take to protect and keep secure the personal information we hold

We take reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect the personal information we hold against interference, loss, unauthorized access, use, modification or disclosure, and other misuse.

The steps we take include:

  • maintenance of computer technology, people and process-based security measures for example firewalls, network security configurations, encryption, use of passwords and other appropriate measures where information is held in electronic form;
  • regular updates to security systems and configurations to protect our systems from malicious activity;
  • restriction of access to data to only those staff that need access to carry out our business activities;
  • training and ensuring that all our employees are required, as a condition of employment, to treat personal information held by us as confidential.

However, you should be aware that if you submit information to us electronically the internet is not a secure environment. We take reasonable steps to provide a secure channel for receiving information but cannot absolutely protect personal information before it reaches us.


Your Rights

You have the right to seek access to any of your personal information held by us unless there is a valid reason under the Privacy Act or Data Protection Act for us to withhold the information.

Valid reasons include:

We have reason to suspect that unlawful activity or misconduct of a serious nature has been engaged in and giving access would be likely to prejudice the taking of appropriate action in relation to the matter; or

Giving access would reveal evaluative information generated within us in connection with a commercially sensitive process.

If your personal details change, or you believe the information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date, please contact us so that we can correct our records.


Right to erasure

At your request, we will remove all the data we have for you which we are not required legally to retain.


Website Terms of use

Please read these Terms of Use carefully as they apply to your use of the PGC website.
By using the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use which form a legally binding agreement between you and PGC. If you do not want to be bound by these Terms of Use, do not continue to use this Website.Further, we may amend these Terms of Use at any time. Your continued use of the Website is considered to be acceptance of the amended Terms of Use.



Peoples Global Consultancy (“PGC”) tries to make the information published on this website as accurate as possible.  However, the information on this website is provided on an “as is” basis without any express or implied warranty. There is no guarantee given as to the accuracy or currency of any individual item on this website.

Persons accessing the website who require confirmation of information should refer to PGC’s source for information on this website or should contact an PGC representative. PGC does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage occasioned by use of the information published on the website nor from any access to the website. All access and use are at the risk of the user. PGC makes no representation that this website or any linked website is free from viruses, malware, Trojan horses etc. We recommend that you obtain appropriate virus protection and check for such viruses before accessing or downloading any content.


Links from this Website

The external linked websites within the Website are not within the control of PGC. PGC does not take responsibility for the content in, or currency of, any externally linked sites. A link on the Website neither implies endorsement by PGC of the linked website, nor a relationship with the organization linked.



PGC’s Privacy Policy can be found by clicking here.
“PGC’s Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by us and may differ from the policies of other companies’ or organizations’ websites that you link to from this website. Please read the privacy policy of any other companies’ or organizations’ websites that you link to from our website.



PGC makes no warranties or representations about this Website or any of its content. PGC is not responsible to you or anyone else for any damages of any kind, including (but not limited to) any direct or consequential loss and losses resulting from security failure, disclosure of confidential information by other parties or the transmission of a computer virus, suffered in connection with the use of this Website whether based on breach of contract or warranty, tort (including negligence), product liability or otherwise ,even if PGC is informed in advance of the possibility of such damages. PGC excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability which may arise as a result of the use of this Website. By using the Website, you agree to indemnify PGC for any loss or liability arising out of your use. Use of the Website is at your own risk and you assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your downloading, use of, or access to data, files, information, or other material on or through the Website.